‘The Human body is able to regenerate if given the necessary resources.’ Author: France Guillain, a French scientist and journalist, who has created ‘La Méthode’, a naturopathic lifestyle, backed by science.It means our amazing body has the ability to fix a lot of conditions and to stay in good shape. Only a bit of good help and simple discipline are needed there.
I work only with organic and natural material (organic vegetable oils, organic food, organic essential oils, organic energy like Reiki, etc.).
My goal is to help people who are seeking support to reach a nice state of wellness.
I believe Nature’s gifts can help rebalancing a body and thus can keep people in a great shape.
I always give support and provide incentives to all my clients.
2019 – Holistic Aromatherapy Diploma (with massage qualification) at Asia Pacific Aromatherapy (Hong Kong);
7 years of practice
as, in 2017, more than 50 documented Aromatherapy consultations were mandatory to be held, to obtain the Diploma.
Holistic Aromatherapy belongs to Plant Therapy’s classification and can provide support to nearly all kind of conditions (Digestive, Musculoskeletal, gynaecology, urogenital, immunity, endocrine, nervous systems related issues, etc.). The properties of Vegetable oils and Essential oils (both obtained from plants) are in use here. High knowledge of the correct dosage is crucial concerning the use of Essential oils.
2020 – Organic Dermo Cosmetic’s Certificate with LRC Formation et Conseil (France);
4 years of experience in the area of skin conditions.
With the use of organic raw vegetable oils and organic essential oils properties (when needed for the latest), organic dermo cosmetic shows amazing results in conditions like eczema, psoriasis, fungus, peri-oral dermatitis, dry or oily skins, stretch marks, warts, acne, brown or white spot (face skin), lichen plan, milia, molluscum pendulum, rosacea, sensitive skin, etc.
I have also been trained to formulate organic beauty serums (mostly with vegetable oils), to determine a skin type and to give a simple but efficient organic beauty routine for the face skin.
2021 – Reiki Level 3 Certificate obtained at NPO Japan Reiki Association (Hong Kong).
3 years of continuous practice through all my consultations.
Reiki can also be used at distance for any kind of issues (serious disease, car accident, examination to take, etc.).
2023 – La Méthode France Guillain’s Certificate at France Guillain Formation (France).
1 year of experience.
La Méthode outlines a universal (and not expensive) way to go back to and stay in a good shape.
It is simple practise, based mainly on the production of brown fats (the good fats) and fascia motility.
Through a universal and balanced diet and with derivative baths’ use, La Methode allows our body to find the resources to regenerate itself.
It can help in several kind of conditions (a simple cold, skin disorders, asthma, being overweight or underweight, menopause problems, prostate issues, degenerative disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer, Parkinson, cancers, etc.).
It’s also a great support for athletes, pregnant ladies, people in good shape who would like to stay there, etc.
At 83 years old, Mrs France Guillain, a French lady, still practices surf every summer in the South of France, she writes books, drives her own car and gives conferences all over France and abroad. She is a mother of 5 children and a happy grand-mother too.
Until now France Guillain is really a living example of what she recommends and teaches through La Méthode.
I am currently living in Denmark where I work as an Aromatherapist and as a Certified practitioner of La Méthode.
I am currently offering ‘Aromatherapy treatments’ and a combination of ‘Aromatherapy and Naturopathy treatments’ to my clients (for the latest, some have disease like ankylosing spondylitis, classic or psoriatic arthritis, etc). They can already feel the benefits of the treatments.
And I give online consultations at Vitality Centre.